WHO: Smithton Auskick Centre
WHERE: Smithton TAS
WHAT: 2022 season
Greenham’s sponsorship was used to purchase new footballs and accessories, Auskick clothing for volunteers, purchase medallions for Auskickers of the week, put on sausage sizzles throughout the season and provide all kids with participation certificates and gifts at the end of the season.
Smithton Auskick Coordinator, Kalon House, said “we’ve steadily been growing over the past few years and have recently cracked the 100-players- mark for the first time in more than 10 years, with 103 kids registered for the 2022 season. It’s great to see Auskick going so well and we can’t thank Greenham enough for their generous support.”
Greenham cattle suppliers are eligible for community sponsorship (cash or meat donations). Whether it’s football, netball, a local art project, fundraising barbecue, community event or a new basketball ring, Greenham is proud to support projects and clubs in our local communities.
To apply, visit www.greenham.com.au/community and submit the online application form. Contact sponsorship@greenham.com.au for more information.