According to Safe Work Australia (SWA), the agricultural industry has the highest fatality rate in Australia with 14.8 fatalities per 100,000 workers.
SWA called agriculture “one of the most dangerous industries to work in” due to the combination of hazards including plant, chemicals, noise, dust, sun exposure, working with animals and the often isolated and remote locations.
To make your farm a safe workplace there are several government initiatives available.
In partnership with the Victorian government, the Victorian Farmers Federation initiated the Making Our Farm Safer project. The project is committed to improving safety and skills outcomes for Victorian farmers.
Free assistance is now available to all Victorian farmers to help establish simple safety processes on-farm, including:
1. a farm safe consult
2. farm safety walk and talk
3. health and safety management systems review
4. template farm safety handbook.
Visit for more information or phone 1300 882 833.
A joint initiative between WorkSafe Tasmania and the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and the Environment (DPIPWE), the Safe Farming Tasmania Program aims to reduce farm-work related death, injury and disease, and improve the health and safety of farmworkers by:
• raising awareness of farm safety issues, including packing and processing
• working with industry stakeholders to provide training and education on farm safety issues.
Get practical tools and support to improve health and safety in your business. It’s free and confidential. A representative can:
• hold a discussion or information session with your workers on safety topics specific to your needs and farm
• work with you to identify safety issues
• provide you with practical resources including induction and hazard checklists, safe work procedures and safety awareness videos.
Visit or to book a visit, contact:
Phill: 0407 015 400 |
Stuart: 0400 140 146 |
By Stuart Beams